Readiness Test 1:1 Live

This is a live 2-hour readiness test tailored for the AANP-FNP, ANCC-FNP,

What you will get:

A verbal question and answer session with one of our faculty members on important high-yield topics for the ANCC or AANP exams.

A score will be generated based on your performance after completing the question and answer session.

Recommendations will be made based on the test score you receive.

Study strategies for board exam success will be discussed to improve your study plan based on your individual strengths and weaknesses.

Benefits of using this product.

Obtain expert evaluation and advice in real time.

Be tested on high yield content.

Receive valuable feedback at the end of the session.

Note taking is encouraged as a knowledge retention strategy

Must-know information will be emphasized.  

Important advice on preparation for the last few days before the exam will be discussed.

Readiness Test Live 1:1


Step 1 – Register and schedule through the Tolentino NP Reviews website using your PC or Mac, or through the mobile app. Our mobile app is available on Google Play.
Step 2 – When it is time for your session, join one of our faculty members for your 2-hour Readiness Test 1:1 Live via Zoom. Plan to have your audio and video on, test your computer microphone, speaker and video before your session.
Step 3 – Upon test completion a score will be generated.
Step 4 – Strengths and weaknesses will be evaluated and study strategies will be discussed.
Step 5 –  Receive advice to strategize exam preparation or decide if you are ready to test based on your results.


  1. Students who would like to identify challenging areas to help them strategize their board preparation review.
  2. Students who would like to gauge improvement in content mastery.
  3. Students who would like to know when it is time for them to take the board exam.

Get to know our expert faculty

Meet the expert mentors dedicated to providing personalized guidance and support to help you excel in your exams.
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Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
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Frequently asked questions

How long before my board exam should I take my Readiness Test 1:1 Live?

If you are a student just starting your review, you may use this test to identify your weak and strong points to be able to better strategize your test preparation by focusing more on challenging areas and spending less time on subjects you already know. If you are a student in the middle of your board preparation you may take several of these tests to help gauge incremental improvement in test content mastery. It also helps identify persistently difficult topics that will require more attention. If you are a student about to take your board exam, this readiness test will help you decide if you are ready to test based on your score evaluated against the passing threshold. 

How long before my board exam should I take Live Readiness Test 1:1?

Please allow at least 72 hours before your board exam to allow ample time to reschedule if needed.    

What are the payment methods for this product?

You may pay by Stripe using Visa or Mastercard.


I want to express my profound gratitude for Tolentino NP Reviews! It has been an invaluable resource in my journey towards preparing for the boards. The Readiness Test 1:1 Live sessions were instrumental in assessing my grasp of crucial content, enabling me to concentrate more effectively on the areas where I needed improvement prior to my exam date. Dr. Tolentino, your unwavering dedication and generosity in sharing your knowledge through this incredibly beneficial review have made all the difference.
I'm thrilled to announce that I've successfully passed the boards on my first try, and I wholeheartedly believe that you can too! Best of luck to all those on this challenging path!
Chauncey Salman, MSN, APRN, FNP-C, PHN, CCRN
The Readiness Test 1:1 Live session was a very important evaluation tool that measured my level of familiarity of vital exam content. Dr. Tolentino helped me identify areas to work on based on my verbal test performance. I believe that the ability to expound on high-yield concepts is a true reflection of my comprehension of test-relevant information and carefully strategizing a study plan to learn difficult areas was the key in this review. 

With the learning techniques in Tolentino NP Reviews I was able to study wisely and successfully pass both board exams on the first attempt. I highly recommend this review. Good luck to all! You got this!
Fia Nichols, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, FNP-C
Tolentino NP Reviews was instrumental to my exam success. I’m dual certified and currently working as a healthcare provider with a variety of clinical roles in a fast-paced and challenging work environment. 
During my board exam preparation, I found the Readiness Test 1:1 Live session to be very valuable. I had a verbal question and answer and from my performance, Dr. Ariel Tolentino gave me feedback on my strong and weak points to improve on. An effective study strategy was developed according to my resources, time availability, and other needs. With this approach, I was able to be better prepared and felt confident, and I knew when it was time to test. 
This review is all you need! Best of luck everyone!!!
La Belle Carline Germeille, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, FNP-C
Here’s to my heartfelt appreciation of Dr. Ariel Tolentino for helping me through this challenging journey to become a successful nurse practitioner. I highly recommend this review with its Tutorial 1:1 Live, Readiness Test 1:1 Live, and Live Group Study sessions. All were spot-on yielding 80-85% of board exam relevant content. These learning programs were all I needed to hurdle the boards. The Readiness Test 1:1 Live was extremely helpful for me to know when it was time to take the test. After this verbal exam, Dr. Tolentino evaluated my performance and together we developed a study strategy to handle challenging topics. For me this face-to-face assessment by an expert in test content provided a very accurate gauge of my familiarity of concepts needed to be successful on the boards. Our mutually developed study plan worked well for me as it took into consideration the many challenging aspects in work, study, and life balance to meet my goals!
Goal reached, now an NP! You got this too! Good luck to all!
Karissa Parra-Enojas, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, FNP-C
This is to thank Dr. Ariel Tolentino and his entire team at Tolentino NP Reviews for devoting time and effort for the weekly study group sessions. For those attending, try your best to be there the entire time and if possible participate in the verbal discussions or through the chat box. Those discussions are so important and adhered to my mind, and I could hear his voice - and that way I was able to think and figure out the answers as we discussed in the study group sessions. 
I also took the Readiness Test 1:1 live which was extremely valuable as a gauge of my comprehension level to determine if I was ready to test. The topics tested were high-yield and closely reflected areas covered in the boards.
I reached my goal and passed the boards with the help of this review. This is a life-saver, a good program for test prep, and a very important resource for the knowledge needed in primary care practice. Try it and you will see how helpful it is. Good luck everyone! You got this!
Nita Ibrahim, MSN, APRN, AGNP-C